Shadow's Wack Place. Let the fun BEGIN!!!!!

Yeah, My name's Shadow. I live in the mind of a crazy girl during the day and in Atmos at night. I sleep during day though, but I DVR this girl's embarrasing moments. Like the time at a softball game, she screamed ALL the way to third base. Heh, well basically, the girl let me set up a website. Let me tell you, this is not easy. Basically, I'm going to use fake names for her friends. She is Squuen, her friends are Mysgrl7, TB chan, emochick, Bumble man (don't ask). Their siblings are Probie, Hidey, Lil sis, Or ShadowPrincess25.

So basically, I'm Shadow. If the real people do anything cool or interesting, I'll post. Now currently, It's all about me and MY friends: Tigerlily, or Tigger, Rondana, Griffey (my griffin) Trayos *sigh...*, Aerrow, Aladd (CATSEYE ISSUES!!), Kurk, Ralph (Cough, Rondana's boyfriend), Christi (NOT!!), Lori, Tori (heh, rhyme), Finn, Dawne, Piper, Lee, Marknos, Marina.

Anyway, If you random people laughing at me, thinking I'm insane, want to follow my story, just check up with my blog: I'll have stuff posted there. So, have fun poking around and stuff.

Griffey says 'Yo'
